Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Complete Shutdown

Well, it's happened. I've successfully changed my site a website. I'm still debating whether to add a forum or what to re-add from my blog. I'll be trying to add polls as well. Anyway, I will still check this blog and respond to comments, but I will not be adding new content on the blog. So, adieu to previous readers and tell your friends: go to freewebs.com/ultimaniac !!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Return of Blog

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. Anyway, I've been working some programming/embedding doohickeys and I have found a way to put videos from YouTube on the site! My first video post will be the Yugioh Abridged Movie, since it isn't on LittleKuriboh's website. Watch it! Also, I am thinking about converting to a website format instead of a blog. That way, I won't feel obligated to post. Comment with thoughts on the transition and give me some video requests!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Super Smash Hero

Well, it happened. Someone was crazy enough to make a Guitar Hero version of the kirby super smash bros. theme. First, click the "kirby sings" link, then search for "falcon pawwww super smash hero" on youtube. Weird...

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Have you heard of Bo Burnham? He is a comedic songster/genius. Watch some of his songs on youtube and you'll see why he is so good. My personal favorites?
  • Cookout
  • My Whole Family
  • A Day in the Life
Just be warned, his stuff is pretty "edgy" (language+irreverency, but if you watch YTAS, it shouldn't be too bad)


Fire it up, because the ocean breathes salty. It's a never-ending math equation that made us march into the sea while spitting venom at most everyone we know. Did this make no sense to you? If so, you do not know the band Modest Mouse. Although previous readers have heard me mention this before, I cannot stress enough the awesomeness of this band! Listen to them, because this is a long drive for someone with nothing to think about and we were dead before the ship even sank which is good news for people who love bad news. Listen to the music!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Hi, y'all. Sorry for the Southern accent, but I just had a thought. If you are on this website then you should get a Google account so you can comment on my posts. If you already have an account, start commenting, ye lazy buggers!


Sorry about this, but I spelled phantom wrong on the poll. Instead of pahntom it should say phantom mezza-mezza. Get voting!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Quite funny Quote

Suicide is man's way of telling God, "You can't fire me - I quit."

F-minus Note

Sorry, but the F-Minus has mysteriously shrunk and is unreadable. To view it, right-click on it and press View Image. It's really funny!

Poll Data

The polls are now closed and here is the data. Most people are men who rock and create Frankenstein's monster. New polls coming soon!


Mysteriously, there is yet another YTAS episode on the site called "The Other Abridged Movie". The opening japanese subtitles are priceless! Watch it!

Cruel Wisdom

There's no "I" in team. However, there is meat. The moral is bring steak to football games.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Fun Game

There's a new link in the links section. It's a fun game called ESP game, where it shows you a picture and you have to match guesses with a partner online. It's free and fun!

Monday, January 28, 2008


Hey again. I was on youtube and this video was on the "currently being watched" bar. It's the super smash bros. theme as sung by kirby. Click the link to watch it!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Poll Data

Based on information received in the polls, I conclude:
Most people worship Lil' Stink and the Loch Ness Monster's dumps. None of them can choose a YTAS episode, probably because of their traumatic Lil' Stink/Loch Ness religion. New polls coming soon!

Comment On

The band The Beastie Boys is really weird, but good. Listen to the song Paul Revere on youtube and then comment on this post with thoughts.


One band on my profile that is absurdly good is Modest Mouse. My favorite songs by them are;
  1. Spitting Venom
  2. Dashboard
  3. Float On
  4. Missed the Boat
Listen to them on iTunes or any unheard-of music player.

Cruel Wisdom

Put off for tomorrow what you could do today; that way someone will probably do it for you. Then you can have them do any other projects you need to do.


Hey again. It's been a long time since I posted last. I've had a lot of school stuff to do. Anyway, I'd like to come back with some good news: The new yugioh the abridged series is finally out! It's call Mo' Money, Mo' Card Games. Check it out!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Links

Hello again! I have posted some new links upon my return, and I hope you like them. The new links are to the FNX homepage. FNX is possibly the greatest radio station ever made. You can listen to a live stream by clicking on the big button that says "Listen On Air". Otherwise, you can listen to it at 101.7 FM on a radio. The other link is Ronald McDonald finally losing it. He speaks japanese and dances in fast motion. I have no idea why anyone would make this video. Enjoy!

Friday, January 4, 2008


Sorry I haven't posted recently. I've been on a Guitar Hero 3/Planet of the Apes/2001: A Space Odyssey marathon. By the way, Reptilia by The Strokes is amazing, PotA is pretty good, and 2001 is probably the weirdest movie ever. If you want to hear it, go to my profile. Unfortunately, this version is a ringtone, so there's no singing. Anyway, I hope the 3 new "Cruel Wisdoms" below make up for it. And now, because there are only so many hours in a day to watch Simpsons episodes, this is Ernesto Fettucini, signing off!

Cruel Wisdom

Life is like Cheerios; it's the same thing over and over, but if you find something in it, you probably wish you didn't. (That is, a dead mouse or something)

Cruel Wisdom

Time is money. Except you can't counterfeit it and there are no Sacagawea coins.

Cruel Wisdom

Winners never quit and quitters never win; however, losers are losers FOREVER.

New Viewers

Are you here for the first time? If so, you probably haven't seen all the posts. To see all of them, use the "older posts" button near the bottom of the posts. Hope you enjoy them!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

YTAS Notice

I'm sorry I didn't mention this before, but the YTAS episodes in the video bar are out of order. From the top, they are episode 1, episode 14, episode 2, and episode 22. 1 and 2 are okay, 22 is funny, and 14 is possibly my favorite. Sorry if anyone was mixed up!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Cruel Wisdom

Do count your chickens before they attack you, that way you can know if there are any hiding in your refrigerator.

10 Worst

So far I haven't received any comments for 10 Worsts, so I'll wait 2 days and if I still don't get any, I'll just make one up. The same goes for polls. Please comment!


Has anybody seen Planet of the Apes? Or 2001: A Space Odyssey? If so, comment on them. I want to know if they're any good.

Mean Metaphor

Jeez, on Mythbusters the narrator says the dumbest things! I was watching it and it said "he smells like a French farmer's moldy sock." That's pretty ridiculous.

Computer Games

Hello again! I'm here to tell you about some fun computer games that are free and don't take up a lot of memory. They are Nethack and Progress Quest. Nethack is like D&D, but fun. As one of my friends once said 'It should be the most boring game in the world, but it's the greatest game in the world.' Progress Quest, on the other hand, is completely making fun of games like Nethack and D&D. The nethack website is nethack.org. For progress quest, just google it. You should be able to get them both free. And if any you actually get Progress Quest, I have a Level 22 double hobbit Mu-Fu monk with 25 spells. I have completed the prologue and Act I and have done over 100 quests. Beat that (I know you can't. Just try it.)!

Cruel Wisdom

To be a freak or not to be, that is everyone's question. By the way, are you a freak?

New Blog

Hey everyone! I've been coming up with ideas for a new blog. Don't worry, I'll still manage SSA Time, but check back frequently to see if the blog is on my profile. You'll (hopefully) really like it!

Random Thought

Anyway, I was watching the discovery channel last night, and there was this show on called "weapon masters". The host was probably the freakiest guy I've ever seen! He looked like a weird pirate. He had a mustache that hung off his face like a beard. I couldn't get a picture of him, so if anybody thinks they can find one, his name is Chad Houseknight. Look to see the weirdest guy alive.

New Feature

Now there's another new feature on SSA Time! There will now be a "10 Worst" list. It's pretty self-explanatory, so comment with "10 Worst" ideas. Hope you think of some good ones!


This is the post to comment with Top 10 ideas. Get commenting!


What is it with you people and cowses? There's no way to make a poll about cowses! Send in more comments for at least 3 new polls!

Top 10

Hello everybody! Based on the comments I've received, I've chosen to make a Top 10 of Action/ Adventure Movies. The runner up was Ways to Pop a Blimp. Here we go!
The Top 10 Action/Adventure Movies
10. Spiderman 2
9. Spiderman 3
8. The Bourne Ultimatum
7. Jaws (Is this action/adventure? Comment if it's not and I'll fix it.)
6. Jurassic Park
5. Revenge of the Sith (for action, not acting)
4. The Two Towers
3. Return of the Jedi
2. The Empire Strikes Back
1. Return of the King

Now, there you have it. Thanks to Lil' Stink for the idea. I will soon be posting a new Top 10 voting post. But after that, I'll be posting a new feature! Check back soon!